Download and print your own redhorse ID sheets, then keep copies in every vehicle, tackle box, boat and pair of waders you own. They are meant to be a portable reference for the 6 most commonly caught redhorses. Available in color or black and white (2 versions, in case your printer is low on black ink). (Contact me using the form below if you want to order full-color prints and skip the whole downloading/printing/cutting process.)
Scroll down for a version specifically intended to be folded (and laminated if you can) to fit nicely in a wallet or pocket.
These are free to download, print, share, etc., but please see the copyright info at the bottom of the page.
There’s also a Redhorse ID poster for sale (sorry, no way to give them away) through this site’s shop or Etsy.
(Note: the images below show the two sides together, but the pdfs they link to are two page documents with red tails on one side and gray tails on the other.)
Click here to download the color pdf:
RedhorseID-color (11830 downloads )
Click here to download the darker black & white pdf:
RedhorseID-bw (2201 downloads )
Click here to download the lighter black & white pdf:
RedhorseID-bw2 (2526 downloads )
If you can print on both sides (duplex), do it! The pages of the pdfs are 8.5″ x 11″, and have .25″ of white space around the edges. You should be able to print them without reducing the size. (In the pdf print dialog, under Scaling, choose “none”.)
Ultra-portable for your wallet, right next to pictures of your kids:
This one folds to the size of a credit card and fits pretty much anywhere you’d want to put it: wallet, pocket, tackle box, hat band, shoe, diaper bag, etc.
Click here for the color version:
Redhorse ID (wallet size) (2203 downloads )
Or here for black & white:
Redhorse ID (wallet size, black & white) (1882 downloads )
If you want to be notified when these are changed or updated (if, for example, I made some stupid mistake that will have you bragging about catching a 7 pound shorthead), send a message using the form below. I promise not to bombard you with emails. (You can leave the subject and message fields blank if you want.)
All of these are free for anyone to download, print, share and use for NON-COMMERCIAL purposes (you can’t use them to make money somehow). Users may not be alter the design and credit must always be given to the copyright holder (Olaf Nelson) and source ( Rather than posting them for download on other sites, please use the thumbnails from this page and provide a link to this site. Here is the copyright notice that is embedded in the files:
This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License. To view a copy of this license, visit or send a letter to Creative Commons, 444 Castro Street, Suite 900, Mountain View, California, 94041, USA.

Hi Olaf,
I was browsing through your website and came across this redhorse ID guide. It is wonderful and makes redhorse ID a breeze for the beginner. I’m currently training two biologists at work the finer points of fish identification. I’m going to be printing up some of these and hanging them in their cubicles.
Thanks for the resource and wonderful site.
Glad they’re useful. Thanks!