Let the wild rumpus begin!
To enter, go to http://www.roughfish.com and sign up. There is even a kids’ division. You have to have the button to participate. It has to be in the photos of the fish you catch. The winner is the one who catches the most species of fish (freshwater, must be species that get over a pound) in the month of June. It won’t be me, and I’m fine with that. Last year I got 27 species (8 of them new to my lifelist). I’m going to try to beat that this year.
I was lucky enough to get to design this year’s button:
To get the button (or t-shirts with the same design) go to http://www.cafepress.com/roughfish.

Thought you might enjoy my latest blog post. I caught a pretty nice River Redhorse on the fly rod. Here’s a link: http://naturalistsangle.blogspot.com/2013/06/fly-carping-attempt-yields-river.html
Cool! I dream of doing something like that, but I have yet to be in the right place and the right time with the right fly. It will happen. Congrats. And I like the Christmas golden redhorse tradition.
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