It’s not close to overtaking fishing, but my obsession with photography is definitely in the race. Last winter I accidentally discovered a world of beautiful abstractions inside large blocks of ice that formed in the back yard, and when spring finally came and ice was no longer an option, I re-discovered a fascination with insects. Despite not yet having a true macro lens, and despite my dSLR being a few rungs below where I’d like to perch on the Nikon ladder, I’ve managed a few worthwhile shots.
Rather than clutter up this site with unrelated photography, I’ve been putting my photos —including fish photos, but mostly ice, insects and random subjects—on flickr ( and, for a simpler browsing experience (though with fewer photos), on tumblr ( Please take a look if you’re into ice, insects, reptiles or macro photography. A few samples:- Praying mantis on my arm, relaxing. Sunset reflecting off a window. 24 July 2013, Botany Pond, University of Chicago. (Low light + extension tubes + hand-held camera = shaky.)
- Newly emerged/hatched mantis on Minnesota. 6/18/2013
- Ass bite! 5/30/2013
- Ant combat. 5/30/2013
- Damselfly eating another flying insect, 8 July 2013, Mike’s garden, Twin Lakes, WI
- Dragonfly eyes. 8 July 2013. In Mike’s garden, Twin Lakes, WI
- Fly on window screen.
- Some kind of katydid on an orange lily petal. 8 July 2013
- Ice disk on deer vertebra, March 2013
- Praying mantis on Greta’s face.
- Praying mantis on Iris’s face.