The lucky SOBs highly skilled anglers over at False Casts and Flat Tires got a surprise gift from the Bitterroot River recently, and I’m jealous: a bunch of 20″ largescale suckers (Catostomus macrocheilus) and some trout to keep them busy while waiting for another sucker to bite. I can’t go home to Montana and catch fish like these now, so I’m grateful they chose to post excellent photos (and give me permission to post them here). I wonder how many fishing bloggers catch and photograph suckers and other cool fish but don’t bother to post them.
Click these to see them a little larger, but for full effect follow the links below and view them in much higher quality.
Their report: The follow-up with more sucker shots:
The blog has died and the links have moved, so try these: The report can now be found at And the followup with more photos is at
The video no longer exists. There’s also a video of the day’s fishing, with a little sucker action, at Yukon Goes Fishing:
Jealous. So jealous…
More on C. macrocheilus at fishbase and the Montana Field Guide.