Sunshine and a cooperative little shorthead.
Is there a word or term for that zone of both rays and barely-formed scales, or for the stage of scale formation where they are more hints than scales? If not, there ought to be. Suggestions?

Channel catfish (Ictalurus punctatus) small enough to be translucent. Kankakee River, Aroma Park, IL, 9-23-2013
This little channel catfish (8 or 9 inches at most) also had a healthy glow when x-rayed by the sun.

The flexible part of the caudal peduncle (the intermediate zone that you refer to) is referred to by ichthyologists as the “caudal base.”
Thanks. I knew that term, but for some reason didn’t think of it as I wrote this post. I’m still curious about the terminology of scale formation. I just need to remember to do some searching when I have some free time.